This finish is ideal for supeior washabilty and durabilty. The benfits to this finish is a high sheen with excellent washabily, a hard protective surface, capabilties to withstand extreme mositure/humidity, and is ideal for trim and funitures. This finish is not recomended for touch ups, ceilings, or where any type of hiding is desired.
Available in all Benjamin Moore grades
This finish is ideal where high durabilty and washabilty are desired. The benifits to this finish are routine washabilty, a very hard protective finish with a significant sheen, and capibilties to withstand extreme mositure/ humidity. This finish is not recomended for ceilings or areas where high hiding is required.
Available in select Benjamin Moore grades
This finish is ideal where durabilty and washabilty are desired. The benfits to this product are great washabilty, a hard protective finish with a slight sheen, and cabibilties to withstand high humidity/moisture. This finish is not recomended for areas where high hiding is desired, and can also be used on some trims and furnitures.
Avaiable in all Benjamin Moore grades
Matte finish is ideal where a flat look is desired, but cleaning and durabitly is just as important. The benfits to this product are good hiding, minimal flashing, ok touch up, and ok cleaning. Matte is not recomended for areas where there will be high humidity/moisture, trim, furnitures, or where heavier washabilty is required.
Avaiable in select Benjamin Moore grades
This finish is ideal for ceilings, low traffic areas, walls with major imperfections, where durabilty and easy cleaning is not required. The benifits to this finish are high hiding, minimal flashing, and easy touch up. Flat is not recomended for high traffice areas, trim, furnitures, high humidity/moisture areas, or areas will washabity will be required.
Avaiable in all Benjamin Moore Paint grades